Saturday, July 30, 2011

Shrimp Beurre Monte

Butter-poached shrimp.  Obnoxious.  Delicious.

12 large or jumbo shrimp or prawns
5 cups court bouillon 
1/2 pound of butter, or 2 sticks (yes you heard me), cut into chunks
salt and pepper to taste

  1. 1.Peel and devein shrimp and add shells to court bouillon.   I’ve talked about court bouillon before.  If you don’t remember click here for a refresher.  Basically simmer water with onion, parsley stems, peppercorns, carrot and lemon or vinegar.  Like a stock, but not really.  Helpful?
  2. 2.After that has simmered at least 20 minutes kill the heat.  Strain.  Immediately add the shrimp and cook until just barely cooked (2 minutes or so).  Remove shrimp and set aside.
  3. 3.Move 1/2 cup of the strained court bouillon to a sauce pan and bring to a simmer.  Once it simmers kill the heat and start adding the butter chunks and whisking.  Almost like a beurre blanc.  It should emulsify.  Salt and white pepper to taste and add the shrimp back in, coating them with the sauce and letting them sit in the sauce for a minute or two to warm up.
  4. 4.Plate and serve with a sprinkle of parsley.

**Technically the shrimp were not poached in butter.  But it tastes good this way.

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